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The digital plaftorm ConnecTrees is born

It is born to create a collaborative ecosystem of divulgation and training in order to transfer innovation and knowledge to be properly applied in farms.

ConnecTrees DigitalHub, is born to promote the digitalization of high profitability farming. It is promoted by leader companies in the sector among them ID DAVID and the University of Cordoba (UCO).

The aim of this platform is focused on the knowledge transfer to producers of high value woody crops (fruit trees, olive trees, dry fruits and vineyard). It is done by the promotion of activities such as divulgation and traning together with the creation of one collaborative ecosystem of innovation for digitalizating the most profitable and sustainable farming sectors in our country. It has an important international vocation as well.

The high value crops are four of the seven outputs of agro-food sector in Spain which have registered positive spreads in the foreign market balance in 2021. This balance is closed to 19,000 million euros. The tendency of rising demand in countries with consumption of great purchasing power help to be optimistic in this production output. According to experts this should suppose important productivity increases oin the next decade.

El espíritu que ha inspirado la creación de ConnecTrees DigitalHub va a permitir trabajar desde la cercanía, la colaboración y la cocreación entre la Universidad y las empresas de modo determinante para asentar el proceso de digitalización basado en la aplicación del “internet de las cosas”, big data, teledetección, sensorización, soluciones integrales para los cultivos, riego inteligente, nutrición vegetal, la agricultura de precisión en nutrición y sanidad vegetal, blockchain, inteligencia artificial, robótica…

La plataforma se presentó en la 42º Feria Internacional de la Maquinaria Agrícola (FIMA) en Zaragoza, bajo el lema ‘Trazamos los cultivos del futuro’.




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